Shabby Chic Makeover with Decoupage



Decoupage is a fancy sounding (French) name for the art of decorating various surfaces by applying paper or tissue cutouts so as to decorate them.

For a step by step tutorial for Decoupage – Please visit the video below

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DSC_3124DSC_3111Upcycled Cans




That’s 3 cans less in the landfill !!

I’m really happy with the shabby chic look and feel of these cans. They now adorn my mantle with a bird cage.  Truly a trash to treasure project.

I love reading your thoughtful comments you have been. It brings immense joy, in such grey uncertain times.

Thank you for stopping by and writing to me. I truly appreciate it.

Bless your beautiful and kind hearts for reaching out.

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SSFS_Clip_Art_Pack_Laurels_Free (23)

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  1. Lovely Naush! I have done this in the past also and I love how it takes a simple can and turns it into something pretty and usable again.

        • Nothing exciting except the highlight of the week which was my shopping haul at DOLLAR TREE !!!! Gosh ! I love that place. In which ever aisle I look, I can only see so many DIY possibilities and so many creations.

  2. I’m loving your can decorating ideas. They came out so beautiful with the patterns on the rice paper. I may apply that method to my plant holders for I love brightly colored things that pop. I thoroughly enjoyed your video and the helpful hint I would like to impart and it could be my speakers, I don’t know but some of your talking I couldn’t make out. Otherwise, your instructions had me enthralled. Take care, stay safe!

    • Thank you very much for your feedback Sheryl. Your right, the first 1.30 minutes, the background music was loud. It got better later but I really appreciate your feedback.

    • So glad you appreciate my little upcycled project Paula. So many things in my home are recycled pieces of “art” !! 🙂 (much to my husband’s annoyance 🙂 )

  3. Your DIY decoupage projects are awesome! I love the paper that you added! Fabulous video! It’s wonderful to see you try new things and play with techniques. So glad that you join the fun with my “Show & Share”! WONDERFUL! Very happy to see your lovely work! Thank you for your support!

  4. Hi Naush, I love your choice of patterns. These are very pretty. I agree with you and Sheryl. It was difficult to hear you, especially at the beginning, with the music so loud. You have a very soft voice, so you need to make sure you are speaking right into the microphone. Fortunately, your detailed video showed what you were doing, even though it was difficult to hear. I loved the way you did the torn paper effect. Very lovely craft. Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a lovely week.

    • Marilyn, thank you very much for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I’m new to the whole video editing thing, so learning with all the feedback. Glad you liked the video inspite of my voice fiasco ! 🙂

  5. Great idea to use cans! I decoupaged a huge can for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I’m still wondering why I never thought to do it before. Yours turned out super cute. Thank you for joining in the Farmhouse Friday link party. Hope you’ll link up again!

    • Your right Cindy, its almost close to how we’d stick stickers to our pencil cases when we were young. But we have a wider choice of glue and a variety of tissue paper. Thank you for dropping by. So glad you appreciate the cans.

  6. This is so resourceful and the cans turned out so beautifully. You really have a gift! They are so impressive looking. Thank you again for sharing your creativity with us at #globalblogging!

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