DIY Glass Bell shaped Cloche

I am NOT a hoarder but when something breaks or chips away, I don’t just dump it.

I think of a way to upcycle it. If I don’t come up with an instant eureka moment, I’ll place the item in a carton, waiting for the inspiration to arise. Just kidding !! I do place it in a carton – but in most cases forget about it !! Until, its time to move houses and suddenly I am facing the said item 🙂

This is one such story.

We had a fabulous chandelier in our home at Arabian Ranches. It adorned the foyer. These three bell shaped glass shades were encaged in a rustic wooden chandelier. It almost looked artistic. However that chandelier was the only item that broke during the move from that house. However this glass dome was salvaged. Now that the studio is nearly complete, I’ve been excitedly searching for items to repurpose and came across it.

I decided to turn it into a cloche.

Here’s the tutorial. Please watch it on Youtube and kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel – Naush Samama

This is the inspiration piece.

Most of my projects involve some or all recycled materials. Its a deliberate effort to upcycle/recycle/reuse and repurpose materials around the house. I firmly believe, we should use our imagination to find a simple way to recycle items and give them a new life.

Mother nature has had enough of our rubbish ! (literally and pun intended)

This extraordinary situation presented by the Covid Crisis is also nature’s way of bringing our lives to a standstill, to re-evaluate our priorities, introspect and change some very casual but damaging habits. If not now – then when ?

Whats the one habit (that you have changed) or change that YOU have made in your life in the last 6-8 months of 2020 ?

Thank you for stopping by and writing to me. I truly appreciate it.

I love reading the thoughtful comments you have been leaving here. It brings immense joy, in such grey uncertain times.

Bless your beautiful and kind hearts for keeping in touch.

Please subscribe to my blog to keep abreast with all my latest posts and projects.

I would be delighted if you joined us at Meraki Link Party on Mondays thru till Thursday.

I am sharing this project with my blog buddies here.

I’d love to visit you, lets connect at :-

Artycraftynaush @Instagram  

Naush Samama @Youtube

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naushthings @Tumblr


  1. I thought of wedding displays when I saw your pictures. Then I thought of turning what you made into a light display. You know with those twinkle lights that make it look like you’ve captured fireflies. White for weddings, red, green, or both for Christmas, orange for Halloween. Good job! you got my imagination juices flowing!

    • I know right !! Imagine this poor bell shade has been sitting in one of the cartons for SO MANY years – all becoz his family broke up 🙂 Finally he made his own home 🙂

  2. What a great idea to use a lamp shade from a chandelier for the cloche! I searched for a cloche with a rope like yours and they were expensive! Now I know how to make one that is as pretty but less expensive. :o)

  3. Cool project, looks great. I am the same as you i hoard anything that breaks to see if I can make something new out of it.

  4. Very clever and it looks great! I appreciate your words about the importance of upcycling, trash is such a huge problem and now with covid, we can’t use our own reusable bags for shopping and all the boxes from buying on line is quite worrisome…

    • So glad you agree with me Jenna. It should be something everyone is concerned about – sadly most people live in an oblivious bubble, assuming the problem is not theirs. Thank you dear friend for visiting and sharing your thoughts.

  5. This is a beautiful upcycle/repurpose, Naush! I just repurposed the ceramic part of an old crock pot that no longer worked. I made it into a smoking apparatus of sorts! Hahaha. And it is amazing! I love all the inspiration you have for repurposing things because Mother Nature really is tired of our rubbish! Thanks for linking.


  6. It’s a shame your chandelier broke, but I love how you saved a piece of it. Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ’s!

    • Thanks Ann. It was the ONLY thing that broke in that move – and sometimes, the only thing that breaks turns out to be your favorite. Well, now it has a new family 🙂

    • Oh I’m just delighted that you liked it that much !!! Thank you for the feature, Julie. Much appreciate it.

    • Thank you Rachel – I am thrilled that you liked such a makeover. My heart broke when the chandelier turned up shattered in the carton, yet a couple of years later, a part of that chandelier will be featured !! What a delight !

  7. What a great idea! I am so glad you were able to upcycle/repurpose the glass dome. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing with Charming Homes and Gardens, where you’ll be featured on Wednesday.

  8. These are beautiful!!!
    Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

    • OH how lovely !! Thank you Michelle. so glad to meet like minded people who want to make a difference in this world.

  9. This is beautiful Naush! And super that you have been able to re-purpose it.
    I also like how you can decorate it to suit the seasons too.
    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. 🙂

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